[vsnet-campaign-dn 4665] Re: BD Pav

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Sep 6 10:44:21 JST 2006

> We've received 4-nights data of BD Pav from Berto Monard.
> The light curves show eclipses with a period of 0.1792(1) days, 
> in good agreement with a previous estimation (e.g., Barwig & Schoembs 1983).
> Other modulations are visible in the light curves, which are under
> investigation.

   These variations outside primary eclipses look like to be
the combination of secondary minima of the irradiated secondary
and ellipsoidal variations, rather than superhump-like variations
(the identification would require model fitting).
Unfiltered CCD photometry of high-inclination long-Porb DNe
sometimes show this kind of orbital variation.

   Nevertheless, the system clearly show prominent eclipses even
during a bright outburst.  The signature of the hot spot looks
like to be weak (overall profile very different from that of U Gem).

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