[vsnet-campaign-dn 4683] Re: (cba:news) SW UMa rare superoutburst
Arto.Oksanen at tietoenator.com
Arto.Oksanen at tietoenator.com
Thu Sep 21 12:28:04 JST 2006
Dear All,
I just finished another night of SW UMa and the star shows now nice 0.15
mag (min-max) superhumps with period of about 2.2 hrs.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-cba-news at cba.phys.columbia.edu
[mailto:owner-cba-news at cba.phys.columbia.edu] On Behalf Of
Arto.Oksanen at tietoenator.com
Sent: 14. syyskuuta 2006 8:26
To: extpasc at yahoo.de; cba-news at cba.phys.columbia.edu; aavso at aavso.org
Cc: afoevb at aol.com; aaronp at aavso.org
Subject: RE: (cba:news) SW UMa rare superoutburst
Dear all,
I observed this star last night (2006-09-13/14 21-01 UT) at Hankasalmi
observatory in Finland with 40 cm RCOS telescope and STL-1001E CCD. The
star was at V=10.4 (AAVSO 135 ref) and showed very small amplitude
variation (0.03 min-max). Because of bad weather the period
determination will be difficult, but it looks like there could be
something around 3 hrs.
Arto Oksanen arto.oksanen at jklsirius.fi
Verkkoniementie 30, FI-40950 Muurame, FINLAND
Tel: +358-40-5659438 Fax: +358-14-4157803
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-cba-news at cba.phys.columbia.edu
[mailto:owner-cba-news at cba.phys.columbia.edu] On Behalf Of Patrick
Sent: 14. syyskuuta 2006 7:25
To: cba-news at cba.phys.columbia.edu; aavso at aavso.org
Cc: afoevb at aol.com; aaronp at aavso.org
Subject: (cba:news) SW UMa rare superoutburst
Visual magnitude estimates by P. Schmeer, Bischmisheim, Germany:
UMASW 20060912.14 <130 SPK
UMASW 20060913.149 108 SPK
UMASW 20060914.138 104 SPK
UMASW 20060914.172 104 SPK
Instrument: 203-mm SCT
Sequence: AAVSO
Rare superoutburst of this SU UMa-type dwarf nova.
The last observed outburst (also a supermaximum) occurred nearly
four years ago - independently detected by Eddy Muyllaert on 2002
Oct. 24.191 UT at mv= 10.8 (vsnet-alert 7558) and by me on
Oct. 24.195 UT at mv= 11.3 (vsnet-alert 7559).
Time-resolved photometry is strongly recommended.
J2000.0 coordinates: R.A. 08h36m42.74s Decl. +53o28'38.1"
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