[vsnet-campaign-dn 4803] Re: [vsnet-alert 9143] V1454 Cyg modulations, superhumps growing?

Ken'ichi Torii torii at ess.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp
Sat Nov 25 14:51:44 JST 2006

Hello all,

 I have made time series photometry last night and note similar
amplitude modulations. From two flux maximums, I roughly estimate a
period of 0.065 d, with 10% uncertainty.

K. Torii

Taichi Kato wrote:
>    According to Nakajima-san, CCD time-resolved photometry
> on November 24 shows low-amplitude (about 0.1 mag) slow
> modulations which can be attributed to superhumps (growing
> phase?).  Although only one maximum was recorded, the overall
> shape of the light curve suggests a period about 0.07 d.
> Further observations are strongly encouraged.

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