[vsnet-campaign-dn 4995] GW Lib: prominent infrared superhumps

uemuram at hiroshima-u.ac.jp uemuram at hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Wed May 9 00:52:53 JST 2007

GW Lib: prominent infrared superhumps

Our observation last night (7 May) detected prominent superhumps in 
the J-band. 


The optical lightcurve (V-band) also shows a hint of periodic variations,
but their amplitudes were much smaller than those in the J-band. 
These observations indicate that the superhump source was still active 
in a low temperature region.

As reported in [vsnet-alert 9336], a clear phase reversal was 
observed between our data taken on 2 and 7 May.
The periodic variations on 7 May are, hence, probably 
"late superhumps". Interestingly, the secondary maximum of 
the superhump on 2 May was also apparently seen on 7 May. 
It may imply that the secondary hump and the late superhump 
have different machanisms.

Makoto Uemura and Akira Arai
on behalf of the KANATA team


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