[vsnet-campaign-dn 5151] V455 And rapid fading, likely a WZ Sge-type dip phenomenon

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Sep 25 10:05:27 JST 2007

   V455 And rapid fading!  The initial rapid fade seems to have
stopped.  The current phenomenon is thus likely a "dip" seen
in WZ Sge-type superoutbursts.

   Orbital (eclipse) and superhump light variation became complex 
during and after this stage of the 2001 WZ Sge outburst.

  (see esp. messages vsnet-alert 6288, 6293 and later)

   Detailed observations are thus highly wanted!

  YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  20070920.144  11.80C  (Gary Poyner)
  20070920.489  11.90V  (Kazuhiro Nakajima)
  20070920.495  11.70Ic  (Kazuhiro Nakajima)
  20070920.524  <109  (Hiroshi Nishiyama)
  20070920.541   114  (A. Kamiya)
  20070920.665   115  (Yutaka Maeda)
  20070920.824   118  (Wolfgang Kriebel)
  20070921.144  11.76C  (Gary Poyner)
  20070921.515   115  (A. Kamiya)
  20070921.526  <103  (Hiroshi Nishiyama)
  20070921.876   117  (Georg Comello)
  20070922.133  11.97C  (Gary Poyner)
  20070922.819   120  (Wolfgang Kriebel)
  20070922.860   119  (Gary Poyner)
  20070923.563  12.80V  (Higashi-Hiroshima Observatory (Hiroshima Univ.))
  20070923.798   126  (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20070923.824   127  (Gobet Franck)
  20070923.824   129  (Wolfgang Kriebel)
  20070923.847   126  (Georg Comello)
  20070923.847   128  (Eddy Muyllaert)
  20070924.794   130  (Georg Comello)

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