[vsnet-campaign-dn 5272] Re: [cvnet-outburst] HT Cas in outburst

Makoto Uemura uemuram at hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Thu Jan 10 21:50:49 JST 2008

> According to My News Flash report data from Glenn Chaple, HT Cas is in
> outburst.
> 0103+59 HT CAS 2454475.5076 JAN 10.0076  13.6 Vis. CGF Y

We confirmed the outburst with the KANATA 1.5-m telescope with TRISPEC.

CASHT 20080110.5278 14.02V Higashi-Hiroshima Observatory

We started a time-series observation in V, J, and Ks bands.

The observation shows that the object has already started fading, 
implying a normal outburst.  

Makoto Uemura, Akira Arai, and Tomonori Yasuda
on behalf of the KANATA team
Hiroshima University

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