[vsnet-campaign-dn 6353] OT_J223003.0-145835 superhump period

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sun Aug 2 09:56:09 JST 2009

OT_J223003.0-145835 superhump period

   Greg Bolt and Gianluca Masi have reported time-resolved observations.
As Masi noted, the object has a short superhump period.  The best period
determined from the data was 0.05725(5) d, with a mean amplitude of 0.04
mag.  The profile somewhat looks like double-humped and has relatively
distinct minima.  The low-amplitude of the humps together with the profile
might suggest early superhumps rather than ordinary superhumps.
The variations might well be decaying superhumps, though.
Further observations are strongly needed to clarify the identification.

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