[vsnet-campaign-dn 6858] Wils_SDSSJ162520.29+120308.7: new periodicity
Taichi Kato
tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sat Jul 17 08:39:04 JST 2010
Wils_SDSSJ162520.29+120308.7: new periodicity
Enrique de Miguel, Rudolf Novak, Gianluca Masi and Michael Richmond
and Josch Hambsch have reported further observations.
It has become evident that the apparent period increase was primarily
caused by emergence of a new periodicity since July 12.
The new period is 0.09629(9) d. The period for July 10-12 was 0.09570(3) d,
followed by a sudden period change.
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