[vsnet-campaign-dn 6860] Wils_SDSSJ162520.29+120308.7 rebrightening!

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Jul 19 13:19:55 JST 2010

Wils_SDSSJ162520.29+120308.7 rebrightening!

   Enrique de Miguel has reported the detection of a rebrightening!
The object apparently started brightening during Josch Hambsch's observation
on early July 18.  A rebrightening phonomenon at this Psh is relatively rare!

Comments:     Good sky conditions.
              Previous run (run10) was carried out last July 15-16
              and consisted just on 12 frames in order to measure
              the mean magnitude. It was found:

              <Var-Comp>   =  3.76(4)     Cmag = 16.86
              <Var-Check>  =  3.01(4)     Cmag = 16.93
              <Comp-Check> = -0.753(3)

              which gives a mean C magnitude of ~16.90. As expected, 
              the object keept fading rapidly.

              Today, however, the object is seen to be much brighter:
              <Var-Comp>   =  1.53(2)     Cmag = 14.63
              <Var-Check>  =  0.78(2)     Cmag = 14.70
              <Comp-Check> = -0.751(10)

              The mean magnitude is then ~14.65. This is ~2.25 mag
              brighter when compared to last run (July 15). I do not
              (clear) signs of superhumps; there seems to be no particular
              positive nor negative trend in the light curve, and the
              brightness seems to be fairly constant over the 4 hours
              of the time series. An analysis of variance shows very
              week modulations, the main peaks being at 0.0557d, 0.1110d,
              and 0.0479d. The first two are related. The second one
              is ~half the superhump period found in the previous stage.
              The signals, however, are very weak and is difficult
              to tell whether or not they have any physical origin.

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