[vsnet-campaign-dn 6884] (fwd) Lanning 420 superhumps (de Miguel)

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Aug 31 09:50:38 JST 2010

(fwd) and please observe the correct position! 

  I'm currently carrying out a time series on this object,
which started about 2 hours ago (UT 22:16:00). Though is still
premature, the object seems to exhibit humps-like
modulations with peak-to-peak amplitude of ~0.30 mags.
Just looking at the data on the fly,
the periodicity is  ~0.06d. The run will proceed
through the whole night (still a bit more than 4 hours
ahead) and then I will send a more complete report.

  By the way, the coordinates are not those quoted in Steve
Brady's communication, but RA=22:02:43.09,


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