[vsnet-campaign-dn 7073] (fwd) HT Cas observations of mine so far (Ogmen)

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Nov 8 09:20:04 JST 2010

From: Yenal Ogmen <green.island.observatory at live.com>
Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2010 13:19:51 +0200
Subject: HT Cas observations of mine so far

Hi all,

I've observed HT Cas and will do more as much as I can. Up to now, I see =
that to get nice details of the LC, you have to have resolution less =
than 40 sec and even less than 30 sec. I observed the target on 3rd and =
5th of November up to now. You can check my LCs on =

Clear Skies

Yenal Ogmen
Green Island Observatory (B34)
North Cyprus

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