[vsnet-campaign-dn 7667] Re: [vsnet-alert 13087] DR UMa outburst!

Tom Krajci tom_krajci at tularosa.net
Tue Apr 5 11:37:36 JST 2011

Initial unfiltered images from Astrokolkhoz (C11, 90 seconds) show an 
object at J2000  13 59 05.77 +55 44 29.49 at approx unfiltered mag 17.

At the SIMBAD coords for DR UMa (13 59 05.4 +55 44 04) approx 25 arcsec 
away...nothing is detectable with a single image (fainter than mag 18?)

This is a faint image for a C11.  I may increase exposure time to 120 
seconds to slightly improve SNR.

I will sit on this target for at least a couple hours....

Tom Krajci
Cloudcroft, New Mexico

On 4/4/2011 7:37 PM, Taichi Kato wrote:
> DR UMa outburst!
>     CRTS has detected an outburst of DR UMa.  This is the brightest outburst
> in recent years (historically brightest?).
>     The classification of this object has been unclear.  There is a radio
> source close to the nominal position, and the variable has been suspected
> to be an extragalatic one by some authors.  However, the current CRTS
> position appears to be about 3 arcsec distant from the QSO position.
> 13 59 05.7492 +55 44 29.477
>     Observations (including spectroscopic confirmation) during the current
> outburst are encouraged!
> CSS110402:135906+554432 http://nesssi.cacr.caltech.edu/catalina/20110402/1104021550454132704.html 13 59 05.82 +55 44 32.3 17.14 http://skyserver.sdss3.org/dr8/en/tools/chart/navi.asp?ra=209.7742500&dec=55.7423000 CV
Tom Krajci
Cloudcroft, New Mexico

Center for Backyard Astrophysics (CBA)
http://cbastro.org/ CBA New Mexico

American Association of Variable Star
Observers (AAVSO): KTC http://www.aavso.org/

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