[vsnet-campaign-dn 8645] OT J144252.0-225040 = Catalina transient

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Apr 18 09:43:58 JST 2012

OT J144252.0-225040 = Catalina transient

   Catalina has detected a bright transient (=CSS120417:144252-225040).
The object has a large (>6 mag) outburst amplitude.  Please follow!

CSS120417:144252-225040 http://nesssi.cacr.caltech.edu/catalina/20120417/1204170230734168358.html 14 42 52.02 -22 50 39.7 14.87 No SDSS object CV

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