[vsnet-campaign-dn 8818] Re: [vsnet-alert 14670] PNV J17320840-4357306: is it real?

Hiroyuki Maehara maehara at kwasan.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Jun 14 03:54:39 JST 2012

 According to Nishiyama-san and Kabashima-san, the correct position and
brightness of the object are R.A.=17h 32m 08s.40, Decl.=-43o 57' 01".3
and mag ~ 10.

 CCD images of the object obtained with a 0.25-m telescope at Kwasan
Observatory yield position end figures 08s.38, 00".5 (+/- 0.5", UCAC2 
catalogue for position reference stars) and the following magnitudes: 
Jun  13.683   9.24Ic
     13.684  11.96Rc

There is a bright 2MASS object (2MASS J17320840-4357001; J=7.639, 
H=6.436, K=5.622) at this position which can be identified as 
IRAS 17285-4354.

Best regards,
Hiroyuki Maehara

On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 11:38:34AM -0700, Alexandre Amorim wrote:
> http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/unconf/followups/J17320840-4357306.html
> PNV J17320840-4357306   2012 06 13.6380*  17 32 08.40 -43 57 30.6  
> mag:  01.3 U   (??)          Sco       N 0
> ********* Alexandre Amorim ***********
> *        Estacao  Costeira1          *
> *         Florianopolis/SC           *
> *          http://go.to/c1           *
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