[vsnet-campaign-dn 8880] AW Sge superhump periods

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Jul 26 09:10:51 JST 2012

AW Sge superhump periods

>  We have receieved further observations from Josch
> Hambsch, Pavol A. Dubovsky, Bart Staels, and Kasai-san.
> With these data, O-C diagram shows that this object
> underwent stage A (before Jul 19) and B (after Jul 19).
> Although I reported that this object showed negative Pdot
> in the past mail, this was not correct. In stage B, Pdot
> is nearly 0.

   This identification is wrong.  

stage A: July 18 Psh=0.0766(3)
stage B: July 19-22 Psh=0.07480(3), Pdot ~ 0
stage C: July 22- Psh=0.07440(7)

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