[vsnet-campaign-dn 8930] TCP J17521907+5001155: new SU UMa star, possibly in the period gap

Gianluca Masi gianluca at bellatrixobservatory.org
Thu Aug 23 10:33:44 JST 2012

Dear Colleagues,

we've started time resolved photometry on this OT, relatively low on the NW 
horizon, remotely using the 14" unit part of the Virtual Telescope robotic 
facility, in Italy.

After about 1.8 hour of coverage, we see a clear signature of superhumps, with 
an amplitude of at least 0.2 mags. So thi star is a new SU Uma dwarf nova.

Please note that the star is still finishings its first cycle, so its Psh has 
reasonable chances to sit into the period gap.

Gianluca Masi
Francesca Nocentini

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