[vsnet-campaign-dn 9763] ASASSN-13bz and ASASSN-13ca (ATEL)
Taichi Kato
tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Aug 14 09:01:28 JST 2013
ATEL #5273 ATEL #5273
Title: Spectroscopic classification of ASASSN-13bz and ASASSN-13ca
Author: J. L. Prieto (Princeton), B. J. Shappee, K. Z. Stanek, C.
S. Kochanek, T. W-S. Holoien, J. Jencson, U. Basu, J. F. Beacom (Ohio
State), D. Szczygiel, G. Pojmanski (Warsaw University Observatory),
M. Dubberley, M. Elphick, S. Foale, E. Hawkins, D. Mullens, W. Rosing,
R. Ross, Z. Walker (Las Cumbres Observatory), J. Brimacombe (Coral
Towers Observatory)
Queries: jprieto at astro.princeton.edu
Posted: 13 Aug 2013; 20:15 UT
Subjects:Optical, Cataclysmic Variable, Transient
We obtained low-resolution optical spectra of the bright transients ASASSN-13bz
(ATel #5267) and ASASSN-13ca (see the <a href="http://www.astronomy.ohio-state.edu/~assassin/transients.html">ASAS-SN
transient list</a>) on UT 2013 August 13.2 with DIS mounted on the APO
3.5m telescope. The spectra (range 3500-9600 Angs., FWHM resolution ~7
Angs.) show a blue continuum and broad Hydrogen lines in absorption at
z=0, as well as weak He I 4471 in absorption. The spectrum of ASASSN-13ca
also shows a weak double-peaked emission profile on top of the H-alpha
line. These features are characteristic of hydrogen-rich dwarf novae in
outburst (e.g., ATel #5195).
ATEL #5274 ATEL #5274
Title: Asiago spectral identification of the Bright Optical Transient
ASASSN-13bz near M31 discovered by ASAS-SN (ATel #5267)
Author: L. Tomasella, A. Pastorello, S. Benetti, E. Cappellaro, P.
Ochner, M. Turatto (INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova)
Queries: lina.tomasella at oapd.inaf.it
Posted: 13 Aug 2013; 21:17 UT
Subjects:Optical, Cataclysmic Variable
We report that an optical spectrogram of the transient ASASSN-13bz (ATel
#5267) near M31
obtained on Aug 13.05 UT with the Asiago 1.82-m Copernico Telescope (+
AFOSC; range 340-820 nm; resolution 1.3 nm), shows
a blue continuum with clear absorptions lines of the Balmer series at redshift
zero, as described in ATel #5273, in which we can detect emission cores,
clearly visible in Halpha. This is a typical feature of dwarf novae following
outburst and an indication of a thick accretion disk. An absorption feature
of NaD is also detected. Asiago classification spectra are posted at URL
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