[vsnet-campaign-ip 129] IP Campaign finished

Makoto Uemura uemuram at hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Wed Dec 28 19:41:17 JST 2005

Dear Colleagues,

    Our campaign for outbursts of intermediate polars (IP)
(vsnet-campaign-ip 121, or 
have finished on Dec 23.  

    Unfortunately, in this 5 months, we couldn't obtain spectra 
during an early phase of their outbursts at Cerro Tololo observatory.
On the other hand, we had some good chances, for example, a rare 
outburst of EX Hya and frequent outbursts of GZ Cnc.  While the 
spectroscopy was not performed due to a bad seasonal condition or 
a schedule of the observatory, I'm sure that continuous efforts 
will catch the variation of spectra in the early phase of outbursts.

    Our Hiroshima University, Japan, is now developing a new
observatory having a 1.5m telescope, which is dedicated to 
transient phenomena.  The telescope will start its operation 
next year.  We will continue our study of IP outbursts with 
this telescope.  Cooperations of visual observers will be more 
helful for us.

    We really appreciate your efforts and contribution to our 
campaign.  Thank you very much.

Makoto Uemura
Hiroshima University

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