[vsnet-campaign-ip 158] OT J020804.2+373217: unusual object with ultrashort-period variations!

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Dec 9 10:08:02 JST 2010

Re: OT J020804.2+373217: unusual object with ultrashort-period variations!

> The period would suggest an outburst of an ultracompact binary, particularly
> AM CVn-type object, but the period might be too short for typical
> dwarf nova-type helium CVs.  Spectroscopic observations are highly encouraged!

   Follow-up, should be "dwarf nova-type helium CVs with infrequent outbursts".
Although AM CVn-type object with SU UMa-type outbursts include CP Eri, V803 Cen,
KL Dra and CR Boo, they usually have more frequent and relatively regular
outbursts.  CRTS observation did not detect past outbursts for this J0208.

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