[vsnet-campaign-ip 167] 1RXS J185310.0+594509 outburst

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon May 9 10:20:39 JST 2011

1RXS J185310.0+594509 outburst

   According to Jeremy Shears, this CV is in outburst.

1RXS J185310.0+594509  May 8.960 15.9 C

   This CV was selected by Denisenko and Sokolovsky

The position and range:
185309.556 +594507.22 15.4I 18.5R

   High Lx/Lopt would suggest a magnetic CV (even a polar?) as claimed
by Denisenko and Sokolovsky.  Spectroscopic observations are also

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