[vsnet-campaign-news 282] VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary

Makoto Uemura uemuram at hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Tue Jul 19 12:22:56 JST 2005

VSNET Weekly Campaign Summary

*** Headlines ***

Rapid brightening of a quasar! ----- PKS 0537-441

*** Last week news ***

(new targets)
  BR Cir                (RA = 15h20m39s.6, Dec = -57d10'03")

    According to ATEL #563, the relativistic jet source Circinus X-1
  (BR Cir) is undergoing a strong radio outburst 
  (vsnet-campaign-xray 361). 

  V818 Sco              (RA = 16h19m55s.07, Dec = -15d38'24".5)

    A bright state (11.9mag) was reported by L. Bichon on 11.96 July.
  It may be one of semi-cyclic outbursts (vsnet-campaign-xray 362, 366).

  PKS 0537-441          (RA = 05h38m50s.2, Dec = -44d05'08")

    According to ATEL#564, the REM 60cm robotic telescope detected a
  rapid optical brightening.  S. Covino et al. reported: "the
  amplitude of the variation in such short time scale is remarkable,
  and if compared to the dramatic variability observed in December
  2004 - March 2005 (Dolcini et al., submitted) suggests a long-term
  active state of the source." (vsnet-campaign-blazar 333).

  XTE J1748-361         (RA = 17h48m13s.13, Dec = -36d07'58".17)

    According to ATel#567, an X-ray transient, XTE J1748-361 is 
  again in outburst.  The nature of its compact object is unknown
  (vsnet-campaign-xray 369).

(old targets)
  V5116 Sgr             (RA = 18h17m50s.77, Dec = -30d26'31".2)

    The latest observation reported to VSNET is V=10.77 at July
  18.47796 (by K. Nakajima; vsnet-campaign-nova 1710).  Other
  observations can be seen at [vsnet-campaign-nova 1709, 1705].

  AM Her                (RA = 18h16m13s.4, Dec = +49d52'03".1)

    H. Maehara reported V=14.69 at July 17.70272 
  (vsnet-campaign-polar 42, 41).  

  V1504 Cyg             (RA = 19h28m55.87s, Dec = +43d05'39".9)

    The Kyoto observations detected fully grown (amplitude 0.2 mag)
  superhumps.  The profile was triangular, indicating that the
  state of peak superhump amplitudes (vsnet-campaign-dn 4480).  
  The superoutburst continues (vsnet-campaign-dn 4478).

  3C454.3               (RA = 22h53m57s.74, Dec = +16d08'53".56)

    3C 454.3 has brightened again last week.  M. Villata is calling 
  for observations on behalf of the WEBT campaign
  (vsnet-campaign-blazar 332).  H. Maehara reported V=14.40 at July
  17.78272 (vsnet-campaign-blazar 334).

  2QZ J021927.9-304545  (RA = 02h19m22s.5, Dec = -30d45'10")

    Using data sets on July 3-11 taken by B. Monard, D. Nogami
  reported that a preliminary period analysis gave 
  P=0.0812(+-0.0002) d as an estimate of the superhump period
  (vsnet-campaign 1588, vsnet-campaign-dn 4474).

  Swift J1753.5-0127    (RA = 17h53m28s.3, Dec = -01d27m06s)  

    According to ATEL#562, R.I. Hynes (LSU) and F. Mullally
  (UT-Austin) reported a strong correlation between optical and X-ray
  rapid variations.  The correlation indicates the optical rapid
  variation is generated in reprocessing of X-rays
  (vsnet-campaign-xray 360).  According to ATEL#566, this new X-ray
  transient is now gradually decreasing in optical (~0.1mag/week)
  (vsnet-campaign-xray 364).  The Kyoto observation clearly detected
  this new X-ray transient in outburst (vsnet-campaign-xray 367). 

  SN 2005cs             (RA = 13h29m52s.85, Dec = +47d10'36".3)

    Y. Sano reported 14.13CR mag at 11.527 July (vsnet-campaign-sn
  1033).  K. Nakajima reported 14.35C mag at July 18.46339
  (vsnet-campaign-sn 1034).

  V4641 Sgr             (RA = 18h19m21s.58, Dec = -25d24'25".1)

    The light curve on July 10 by C. Stockdale was still ~0.05mag
  above the quiescence.  On the other hand, the light curve on July 12
  by K. Nakajima was completely on the quiescent ellipsoidal
  modulation.  It was confirmed by the observation by B. Monard
  on July 13-14.  The active state looks terminated.  Using these all
  data sets, we can say the post-outburst active state in 2005 lasted
  for 14-16 days, slightly shorter than that in 2004 (17 days) 
  (vsnet-campaign-xray 365, 368).  

  V378 Ser              (RA = 17h49m24s.57, Dec = -12d59'59".2)

    Recent observations can be seen at [vsnet-campaign-nova 1706] 
  (vsnet-campaign-nova 1705).

  V1663 Aql             (RA = 19h05m12s.50, Dec = +05d14'12".0)

    The latest observation is V=14.53 at July 18.48950 (by
    K. Nakajima; vsnet-campaign-nova 1705, 1709, 1710, 1708).

  BL Lac                (RA = 22h02m42.86s, Dec = +42d16'37".6)

    The object is getting fainter (15.6mag at July 18.067;
  vsnet-campaign-blazar 335).

  SS Cyg                (RA = 21h42m42s.66, Dec = +43d35'09".5)

    The object is now fading from an outburst (vsnet-campaign-dn 4477).

*** Future schedule ***

*** General information ***

  IP Peg
    Eclipse ephemeris, see [vsnet-campaign-dn 4475]
    Recent observations, see [vsnet-campaign-dn 4476]

  (Recent astro-ph preprints)
  Tracing the spiral arms in IP Pegasi
                                        [vsnet-campaign-dn 4473]
  Four new CVs in HS survey
                                        [vsnet-campaign-dn 4479]

(This summary can be cited.)	

Makoto Uemura
Hiroshima University

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