[vsnet-campaign-nl 149] V618 Sgr (+MT Pup)

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Jul 27 14:04:33 JST 2005

   In relation to the recent posting on V618 Sgr by Mati Morel,
I have been wondering whether this star might have been a slow
symbiotic nova that erupted in the 19th century.

   The spectrum shown in The Observatory,109, 229 (1989) lacks
HeII emission lines usually observed in high-excitation
symbiotic stars.  There is also remarkable lack of forbidden
lines.  (The VSNET CV Circulars have used the ZAND

   Yes, I encountered this spectrum when I was analyzing
V504 Cen (VY Scl-type CV).  The other object mentioned in
the same paper is MT Pup, which was then suspected to be
a VY Scl type CV.  This object is also missing from many
related catalogs.

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