[vsnet-campaign-nova 2162] Re: Nova Del 2013: reached a plateau, no fading

K. Imamura imako at pc.117.cx
Sun Aug 18 20:53:51 JST 2013

> Fujii-san's spectrum, which showed features of a premaximum nova.
> This nova is not a very fast nova as reported in ATEL 5297
> (Munari et al.).

   I think so too. Also from the expansion velocity (approximately
2000 km/s), this object is not thought to be very fast (t2 < 10 d).
The spectra are similar to pre-maximum stage one (e.g., the Fe II
phase of T Pyx during pre-maximum; Imamura & Tanabe, 2012, PASJ,
64, L9; http://ads.nao.ac.jp/abs/2012PASJ...64L...9I).

Kazuyoshi IMAMURA
Okayama University of Science (JAPAN)
imako at pc.117.cx

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