[vsnet-campaign-target 103] VSNET campaign target list (2005 July 11)

Daisaku NOGAMI nogami at kwasan.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Jul 11 11:37:44 JST 2005

VSNET campaign target list (2005 July 11)

  *** VSNET campaign selected current target list 2005 July 11 ***

Object     Class   Position     Type       State          Data   Remark

2QZ          1     02h19m28s  new UGSU!  superoutburst      1
 J021927.9-304545 -30o45'46"

V1504 Cyg    1     19h28m56s    UGSU     superoutburst?     1

Swift        1     17h53m28s    BHXB     outburst           1
 J1753.5-0127     -01o27'06"

V4641 Sgr    2     18h19m22s    BHXRT    active continuing? 1

V818 Sco     3     16h19m55s    LMXB     post outburst      1

V1663 Aql    3     19h05m13s    Nova     fading             1

other dwarf novae in superoutburst

NY Ser?
other objects of current interest

IP Peg (outburst), CR Boo (active), SN 2005cs (type II SN in the early
phase), AS 325 (sybiotic star fading), V841 Oph (old nova fading from
its "canonical" post-outburst level)


* Class: 1 = primary target for time-resolved photometry
         2 = secondary target for time-resolved photometry
         3 = optional target.  Daily monitoring is enough in
                most cases.

* Data: data request, 1 = VSNET core team, data will be received by
       campaign report list
       (vsnet-campaign-report at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp).

  Please closely watch vsnet-alert and vsnet-outburst for other new

                          *** Notice ***

  This list is "read-only", i.e. it is used only for announcement of
the target lists.  Other information, as well as reports and discussions
on particular targets, should be directed to the appropriate VSNET campaign
sub-lists (e.g. vsnet-campaign-dn for dwarf novae).

  Nightly time-series observations should be now directed to (rather than
private e-mails):

        vsnet-campaign-report at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp

  Reports sent to this address will be delivered to the VSNET campaign
local staffs, including Imada-san, Uemura-san, Kato-san, Ishioka-san,
Kubota-san and me, and are expected to be more convenient than
personal e-mails to separate addresses.

Daisaku Nogami
VSNET admin group

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