[vsnet-campaign-target 156] VSNET campaign target list (2013 Sept 7)

Ohshima ohshima at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sun Sep 8 05:04:42 JST 2013

VSNET campaign target list (2013 Sept 6)

  *** VSNET campaign selected current target list 2013 September 6 ***

Object     Class   Position     Type       State       Mag     Data   Remark
ASAS J224349+0809.5               UGSU    SU UMa        17.0     1

V893 Sco     1     16:15:14.9    UGSU     SU UMa      13.0       1
                   -28:37:32              stage C superhumps
(Notice: the position firstly discovered (in GCVS 4) is wrong.) 
ASASSN-13cf  1     21:55:12.76   UGSU     SU UMa       15.5     1

ASASSN-13cg  1     20:52:52.0    UG        SU UMa with eclipses   1 
                   -02:39:51                           14.7

ASASSN-13ck  1      0:11:33.7     UGSU     SU UMa       13.7      1
                   +4:51:23                WZ Sge

SDSS J162830.89+240259.1        UGSU      SU UMa        15.8      1

V803 Cen     1      13:23:45.2   UGSU     HeDN            13.0      1

SS UMi       1     15:51:22.3   UGSU       SU UMa     14.6         1
                   +71:45:11               superoutburst

MASTER OT J064725.70+491543.9   UGSU      SU UMa       13.9         1

MASTER OT J181953.76+361356.5   UGSU     WZ Sge-type   16.0-18.0     1
             2                           faded?

CSS J214426.4+222024            UG       UGSU            <17     1
             2                           faded?

AY Lyr       2     18:44:26.7   UGSU      UGSU          13.5 1 

V344 Lyr     2     18:44:39.1   UGSU      SU UMa      15.2         1

RZ Sge       2     20:03:18.5   UGSU       SU UMa     12.9         1
                   +17:02:52               superoutburst

UZ Boo       2     14:44:01.3   UGSU     WZ Sge-type   17.1     1
                  +22:00:56              probably faded

V1265 Tau    2      03:29:12.19  UG      SU UMa       18.0?     1
                   +12:50:19.1           probably faded

ASASSN-13cs  3     17:11:38.46  UG       SU UMa candidate 14.9   1
                   +05:39:51.5            normal outburst or SS Cyg

other dwarf novae in superoutburst
KK Tel, RZ Sge
other objects of current interest

V1323 Her (VY Scl?, deep fading), OR And (VY Scl, deep fading),
MASTER OT J204200.48+041839.9(ER UMa candidate?)
CSS J220031.2+033429 (Z Cam candidate)
AG Peg (bright ZAND. active state), HS2133+0513(VY Scl? fading)
V3804 Sgr (Z And type outburst), Del Nova 2013 is very bright,
HS 0218+3229 (rare SS Cyg-type)


* Class: 1 = primary target for time-resolved photometry
         2 = secondary target for time-resolved photometry
         3 = optional target.  Daily monitoring is enough in
                most cases.

* Data: data request, 1 = VSNET core team, data will be received by
       campaign report list
       (vsnet-campaign-report at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp).

  Please closely watch vsnet-alert and vsnet-outburst for other new

                          *** Notice ***

  This list is "read-only", i.e. it is used only for announcement
of the target lists.  Other information, as well as reports and
discussions on particular targets, should be directed to the
appropriate VSNET campaign sub-lists (e.g. vsnet-campaign-dn for
dwarf novae).

  Nightly time-series observations should be now directed to
(cc: to Ohshima-san ohshima at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp may quicken
the analysis):

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