[vsnet-campaign-xray 383] RT Cru as a symbiotic star/X-ray nova

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Aug 25 16:33:18 JST 2005

  According to Cieslinski et al. (1994),


  RT Cru shows short-term flickering resembling that of T CrB
(CH Cyg,...).  The GCVS classification as well as the large outburst
amplitude suggests that the object was discovered during the outbursting
state (symbiotic nova?).  Such variation would be usual for a symbiotic
system with a white dwarf, but is uncommon in a hard X-ray transient
(although the X-ray flux is relatively low).

  If this is the case, the object may be the first example of a
classical symbiotic-like object showing X-ray outbursts.

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