[vsnet-campaign 1582] (fwd) IL Vul extremely rare outburst

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Jul 4 08:08:11 JST 2005

(fwd) IL Vul extremely rare outburst

   Northern observers are strongly urged to make time-resolved photometry!
The quiescent identification is still rather uncertain; an attempt to
locate Schmeer's position on past deep survey images would be helpful.
(Could Yamaoka-san try?)

   The light curve presented in IBVS 80 rather resembles that of a long
outburst of an SS Cyg-star, but may be a superoutburst of an SU UMa star.


Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2005 21:46:35 +0200 (CEST)
From: Patrick Schmeer <pasc1312-aavso at yahoo.de>
Subject: [vsnet-alert 8524] IL Vul extremely rare outburst

Unfiltered CCD observations by P. Schmeer, Bischmisheim, Germany:
VULIL 20050616.414 <175CR Scp
VULIL 20050703.388  155CR Scp
Instrument: University of Iowa, Rigel Telescope (0.37-m Cassegrain)
Sequence: USNO-A2.0 catalogue (R magnitudes)

Only one certain (1964) and two rather certain outbursts
(1930, 1955) of this dwarf nova were observed before:
1930 Aug. 20, mag 15.5
1955 Sep. 22, mag 15
1964 Aug. 14.98 UT, mag 15 (JD 2438622.48, not 242...)
(C. Hoffmeister, IBVS 80)

On the outburst image I measured the following position:
R.A. 20h38m32.72s  Decl. +22o42'16.7"  (J2000.0)

Time-series photometry is very urgently required (perhaps
also spectroscopy).

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