[vsnet-campaign 1591] (fwd) CTCV J1300-3052 is active, eclipsing dwarf nova

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Aug 16 08:49:13 JST 2005

# Berto, please provide exact UT (hopefully in VSNET format)
# of representative observtions.

Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 09:56:54 +0200
From: "Berto Monard" <LAGMonar at csir.co.za>
Subject: [vsnet-alert 8612] CTCV J1300-3052 is active

CTCV J1300-3052 is a cv from the Calan Tololo survey. 

It was seen bright (16.2CR) on CCD images made at CBA Pretoria on 11 Aug 2005. Previous observations showed the star around 18.5. All observations were unfiltered. 
The on-line CV atlas gives as range 15.5V-18.7V .

Timeseries photometry at CBA Pretoria on Aug 13 and 14 have shown this to be an eclipsing system with minima occuring on UT Aug 13.758 and Aug 14.736.  
The 'uncertain' period quoted in the cv atlas is 0.08898d and seems to fit exactly 11x between those minima. 

The object is low to the W horizon and observation periods limited to just over two hours. With some luck I might be able to observe two eclipses tonight (probably the only occasion for now) and to eventually confirm the above orbital period as accurate and certain or to disprove it....

Further details on the observations: mean magnitude 16.2 (seems to get brighter..), eclipse depth about 2 magnitudes and some modulation in the light curve. In view of the conditions much precision cannot be expected.

Hopefully more later. 
Observations from other longitudes are welcomed. A clear W horizon will greatly help.


Berto Monard
Bronberg Observatory/CBA Pretoria

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