[vsnet-campaign 1616] GRS 1915+105 multiwavelength campaign on Oct 17
and 18
Yoshihiro UEDA
ueda at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Sep 23 17:08:18 JST 2005
Dear VSnet observers,
Sorry if you receive this mesasage twice.
I would like to inform that we are organizing a big multiwavelengh
campaigin of GRS 1915+105 on Oct 17 and 18 using Suzaku (Astro-E2),
Integral, Spitzer, RXTE, VLA, and other ground based observatories.
Anyone who are interested in the campaign are welcome to join by
near-infrared or radio observations with your favorite telescopes.
Fast photometic observations in the K band would be particularly
useful. The K-band magnitude of GRS 1915+105 is about 13.
Campaign date and time*: 2005 Oct 17 00:00 to Oct 18 24:00 (UT)
(*) This is the time that Suzaku will observe the source but
the window may shift by a few hours (to the earlier direction only).
The Integral/RXTE/Spitzer observations will be arranged to cover
this period as long as possible.
The planned/requested observations are as follows:
X-ray Suzaku (PI: Ueda, Suzaku SWG) Oct 17 00:00 - Oct 18 24:00 UT
X/Gamma Integral (PI: Jerome Rodriguez) 0:00-8:30 UT on Oct 17 and 18
MIR Spitzer (PI: Yael Fuchs)
X RXTE (PI: Ed Morgan)
Radio VLA (PI: Marc Ribo) 0:00-6:30 UT on Oct 17 and 18
Radio ATCA (DDT requested)
K Subaru (DDT requested)
K Gunma/Japan (PI: Ueda)
JHK IRSF/South Africa (PI: Ueda)
If you are interested in the project and need more information, please
send an e-mail to Yoshihiro Ueda (ueda at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp).
We look forward to hearing from you!
Yoshihiro Ueda (Kyoto University)
Ueda will be on travel for conference next week and response may be
slow. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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