[vsnet-campaign 1638] Fw: AAVSO Special Notice #2: Possible New Nova/Dwarf Nova in Cet

Daisaku NOGAMI nogami at kwasan.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Jan 23 00:07:43 JST 2006

Dear colleagues,

The following information regarding the coordinates and
comparison stars of ASAS 023322-1047.0 was distributed
by AAVSO.  If the object is identical with the USNO B1.0
star below, the outburst amplitude is 6-7 magnitude or
more.  And this star is located far from the galactic
plane.  This outbursting star is thus probably a dwarf
nova with a large amplitude.

We strongly encourage spectroscopy for classification
of nova/dwarf nova and time-resolved photometry for
(early) superhump observation!

Best regards,
Daisaku Nogami
VSNET Collaboration Team

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 20:31:58 -0500
From: aavso at aavso.org
To: nogami at kwasan.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Subject: AAVSO Special Notice #2: Possible New Nova/Dwarf Nova in Cet

        AAVSO Special Notice #2 (January 21, 2006)
           Possible New Nova/Dwarf Nova in Cet

   Bogumil Pilecki, Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory,
reports on a possible new nova or dwarf nova discovered by the
ASAS3V instrument. The previously unobserved object was first
detected by ASAS3V at RA = 02h 33m 22s DEC = -10d 47'.0
(assumed J2000) on Jan 20.121 UT at magnitude 12.08 in V.

   The new object has been confirmed by the following AAVSO CCD

 Jan 21.779  12.58 Err: 0.02  V      David Boyd         England
 Jan 21.9136 13.18 Err: N/A   Clear? Diego Rodriguez    Spain
 Jan 21.96   12.5  Err: N/A   V      Cristovao Jacques  Brazil

   Pilecki reports that one star is located close to this position
in the USNOB catalog:

#          id|           RA|          DEC|     B1|     R1|     B2|    
0792-0024872 02:33:21.3620 -10:47:04.940  18.180  18.620  19.340 19.15

  ASAS3V Light curve and images can be found at the following URL:

  Bruce Sumner has put together the following comparison stars
based on ASAS3V photometry. An AAVSO chart will be released
tomorrow. If you observe before the chart is available please
use these stars.

 02h33m00.434s -10 41' 31.48"   12.05  0.06
 02h33m20.870s -10 41' 27.56"   13.09  0.10
 02h33m26.311s -10 49' 09.44"   13.34  0.12
 02h33m14.452s -10 50' 34.36"   13.72  0.17

 Visual observations are requested to monitor the object. Time
series CCD observations are requested to look for superhumps
and other behavior associated with dwarf novae. CCD B and V
observations are requested to look for color. Spectroscopic
observations would also help to determine the star's type.     

  Until a more formal designation is assigned, submit data to
the AAVSO as "ASAS023322" with a designation of 9999+99.

  This special notice was compiled by: A. Price.

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