[vsnet-campaign 1678] two new CVs

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Dec 1 11:50:37 JST 2006

  ROTSE3 J160213.1-021311.7 : UG (the existence of superhumps
apparently needs to be verified)
  WFI J161953.3+031909 : NL+E in the period gap

The Incidence of Dwarf Novae in Large Area Transient Searches

Authors: A. Rau, R. Schwarz, S.R. Kulkarni, E.O. Ofek, C. Brinkworth, 
S.B. Cenko, Y. Lipkin, A.M. Soderberg 

Comments: submitted to ApJ (2006 October 12th) 

    Understanding and quantifying the contribution of known classes 
of transient and variable sources is an important lesson to be 
learned from the manifold of pre-cursors programs of the near-future 
large synoptic sky survey programs like SkyMapper, Pan-STARRS and 
LSST. With this goal in mind, we undertook photometric and 
spectroscopic follow-up observations of three recently reported 
unidentified transients. For two sources, WFI J132813.7-214237 and 
WFI J161953.3+031909, we show that unfortunate coincidences lead to 
their previous designation as transients. While the former is now 
interpreted as the spatial coincidence of a solar system object with 
faint background star, the latter is merely a cataclysmic variable 
unfortunately caught in and out of eclipse. The third candidate, 
ROTSE3 J160213.1-021311.7 is identified as an SU UMa-type dwarf novae 
with quiescent brightness of R~22.7 and an outburst amplitude of ~5 
mag. Our main conclusion is that cataclysmic variables in their 
various avatars will contribute moderately to the population of 
transient objects. 

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