[vsnet-campaign 1706] PQT 080119:091534+081356

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Jan 21 13:43:41 JST 2008

   I'm not sure whether dwarf-nova type absorption lines can easily be
detected with this set-up, but this object certainly needs further

The Astronomer's Telegram                   http://www.astronomerstelegram.org 
ATEL #1362                                                           ATEL #1362

Title:          Optical Transient from Palomar-Quest: PQT 080119:091534+081356
Author: C. Donalek, A. Mahabal, A.J. Drake, S.G. Djorgovski, E. Glikman,
                R. Williams, M.J. Graham, G. Herczeg (Caltech);  C. Baltay, D. Rabinowitz
                (Yale) and the PQ team
Queries:        donalek at astro.caltech.edu
Posted: 21 Jan 2008;  3:42  UT
Subjects:       Optical, Request for Observations, Transients, Variables

We have detected an unresolved optical transient in the Palomar-Quest
(PQ) driftscan   obtained at the Mt. Palomar 48-inch Oschin Schmidt Telescope
on Jan 19 2008 UT:      

PQT 080119:091534+081356  detected at UT 2008-01-19 08:15:43   
J2000 coordinates: RA=09:15:34.91, Dec=08:13:56.1      

For finding charts, etc., please see:   http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~aam/science/transients/2008011

PQ discovery observations consist of images in Gunn g, r, i, z filters
spanning 10-12 minutes. The transient was confirmed in the second scan
on the same night, and again on the next night (Jan. 20, UT) and had not
faded. The transient matches the location of a r=22.99 mag object in SDSS
images and was approximately r=17.3 when discovered. Spectra of the object
were obtained at Mt. Palomar 200-inch Hale telescope using the Double beam
Spectrograph by G. Herczeg. A preliminary analysis shows a relatively featureless
continuum, with no obvious line emission.  Analysis of the spectra is in

We are also in the process of obtaining follow-up photometry at the
Mt. Palomar 60-inch telescope. Further observations are encouraged.   

For more details and further information, watch: http://palquest.org/transients/

All PQ optical transients are detected and published as VOEvents in
real-time   at http://voeventnet.org/feeds/PQ_OT.shtml and here   http://voeventnet.caltech.edu/feed

Palomar-Quest transients: http://palquest.org/transients
Password Certification:  Ashish Mahabal (aam at astro.caltech.edu)

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