[vsnet-chat 7107] Spitzer observation of a plateau of an SN II-P
Taichi Kato
tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Jun 22 11:59:33 JST 2005
Spitzer observation of a plateau of an SN II-P
The origin of the plateau in SNe II-P seems to be better observationally
Paper: astro-ph/0506407
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 10:31:08 GMT (124kb)
Title: Early-time Spitzer observations of the type II-Plateau supernova, 2004dj
Authors: Rubina Kotak (Imperial College London), Peter Meikle (Imperial College
London), Schuyler van Dyk (Spitzer Science Cente), Peter Hoeflich (Uni. of
Texas), Seppo Mattila (Stockholm Observatory)
Comments: ApJ Letters (accepted)
We present mid-infrared observations with the Spitzer Space Telescope of the
nearby type II-P supernova, SN 2004dj, at epochs of 89 to 129 days. We have
obtained the first mid-IR spectra of any supernova apart from SN 1987A. A
prominent [NiII] 6.64 micron line is observed, from which we deduce that the
mass of stable nickel must be at least 2.2e10(-4) Msun. We also observe the red
wing of the CO-fundamental band. We relate our findings to possible progenitors
and favour an evolved star, most likely a red supergiant, with a probable
initial mass between ~10 and 15 Msun.
\\ ( http://arXiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0506407 , 124kb)
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