[vsnet-chat 7188] Re: Supernovae and amateur astronomers

Berto Monard LAGMonar at csir.co.za
Mon Aug 29 16:14:05 JST 2005

Hi all,

Although the replies are factually correct, I am a bit puzzled by this query..  

Can it be that Wolfgang Kloehr, the discoverer of SN 2005cs, is not aware that most SNe are still discovered by amateurs and that he was perhaps expecting an answer in the way of 'J Bennet in 1968' ...


Berto Monard

PS If the weather clears here I would like to become the 'last' one again....

>>> Hitoshi YAMAOKA <yamaoka at rc.kyushu-u.ac.jp> 28/08/2005 18:13 >>>
Re: Supernovae and amateur astronomers

>> I've got a question from the discoverer of SN2005cs, Wolfgang
>> Kloehr: Do you know which has been the last supernova detected by
>> an amateur astronomer? 

>Could it be Tom Boles discovery of SN 2005dj in UGC 3545 on
>Aug 18 2005, announced on IAUC 8585?

SN	discoverer		date	 	IAUC
2005dj	T. Boles		Aug. 18.086	8585
2005dk	Luckas Trondal Schwartz Aug. 21.53	8586
2005dl  Dimai Migliardi		Aug. 25.1       8588

  If "an amateur astronomer" in the original question means "one
person", Gary's answer is OK at this moment (Aug. 28.7 UT).  SNe
2005dk and 2005dl are, however, other SNe discovered by "amateurs". 


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