[vsnet-chat 7535] 2nd announcement of the CV meeting in Kyoto

Daisaku NOGAMI nogami at kwasan.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Mar 31 19:45:31 JST 2010

Dear colleagues,

This is the 2nd announcement of the international meeting
`Physics of Accreting Compact Binaries'.  The registration
form on the web has started working.  Please keep in mind
that the deadline of the early registration is April 30.
The accomodation and link pages now contain many useful

With best regards,
Organizing Committee of the CV meeting 2010 in Kyoto

       The 2nd announcement of the international meeting of
             `Physics of Accreting Compact Binaries'
                  July 26(Mon) - 30(Fri), 2010
                 Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

1. Scientific aim

The scientific aims of this meeting are summarized as follows:
- Bring together researchers studying binary star systems containing
    an accreting white dwarf (WD) star and those studying systems
    with related stellar constituents and physical processes.
- Facilitate discussion that will advance our understanding of
    accretion phenomena, constituent star properties, and population
    makeup and evolution for both white-dwarf-primary and other
    types of accreting stellar systems and their progenitors.
- Use this improved understanding to both direct and exploit ongoing
    and near-future observations and surveys.

2. Agenda

* Accretion Disks
        -- disks in compact binaries
* Magnetic Accretion
        -- magnetically dominated accretion flow
* Outflows
        -- jets and winds in compact binaries
* White Dwarfs
        -- WDs as primaries and donors in compact binaries
* Secondary Stars
        -- non-degenerate donors and their relation to detached
           main sequence stars and brown dwarfs
* Evolution
        -- the evolution of compact binaries and their progenitors
* Novae and Supersoft Sources
        -- thermonuclear burning and its consequences
        -- the 2010 eruption of U Sco
* SNIa progenitors
        -- Recurrent novae as SN Ia progenitors
        -- Double degenerates
        -- Supersoft X-ray binaries
* Next Generation Surveys 
        -- opportunities for the next decade

3. Important Dates

Mid March: Start of the registration
April 30: Deadline of the early registration, and
                abstract submission of oral presentations
May 31: Deadline of the late registration, and abstract
                submission of poster presentations
July 25: Welcome reception
July 26-30: Meeting

4. Location/Accommodation

The meeting will be held at the seminar house of the graduate
school of Science, Kyoto University.  This seminar house is now
under construction in the west ground of the Building No.4 in
the map:
The access to the Yoshida-North campus of Kyoto University
including the seminar house is described in the web page of
the Yukawa Institute (YITP) also in the Yoshida-North campus:

Kyoto is the most famous sightseeing area in Japan, and July is
not the highest season (because it's hot, ~36-38C at the daily
highest, with high humidity in July).  So, many good hotels can
be easily found in the region within 30-min bus.  For your
convenience in the hotel reservation, many useful links were
added in the accomodation page on the web:
If it's difficult to find accommodations you like, please feel
free to make contact with the LOCs (cv2010 at kwasan.kyoto-u.ac.jp).

5. Registration/Abstract Submission

The registration/Abstract Submission form on the web has worked
from mid March.
The registration fee is 15,000 JPY, or 170 USD for the early
registration (by April 30), and will be 18,000 JPY, or 200 USD
for the late registration (by May 31), which should be paid at
the meeting reception by cash.  It includes the abstract book,
conference pack, welcome reception, coffee/tea/refreshments,
and banquet.

6. Financial Support

The LOCs are applying to some foundations and organizations for
funds, but the available funds will be very limited.  The attendance
from the developing countries and PhD students/young PostDocs who
do not have own funds have priority for the support, then.  If you
need financial support from us, please send an e-mail to the LOCs
(cv2010 at kwasan.kyoto-u.ac.jp) with explicitly writing an estimate
of the minimum necessary expenses.

7. Scientific and Local Organizing Committee

Boris Gaensicke (Warwick University, United Kingdom)
Paul Groot (Radboud University, Netherlands)
Izumi Hachisu (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Donald W. Hoard (California Institute of Technology, USA)
Christian Knigge (University of Southampton, United Kingdom)
Ulrich Kolb (Open University, United Kingdom)
Elena Mason (European Southern Observatory, Chile)
Paul A. Mason (NMSU-DACC and UTEP, USA)
Koji Mukai (NASA, USA)
Daisaku Nogami (Kyoto University, Japan)
Dean Townsley (University of Alabama, USA)
Patrick Woudt (University of Cape Town, South Africa)

Akira Imada (National Astronomical Observatory, Japan)
Taichi Kato (Kyoto University, Japan)
Tetsuya Kuramoto (Kyoto University, Japan)
Hiroyuki Maehara (Kyoto University, Japan)
Yuuki Moritani (Kyoto University, Japan)
Daisaku Nogami (Kyoto University, Japan)
Tomohito Ohshima (Kyoto University, Japan)
Jumpei Tanaka (Kyoto University, Japan)
Makoto Uemura (Hiroshima University, Japan)

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