[vsnet-chat 8081] V495 Cas: dwarf nova (resembling V503 Cyg?)

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Aug 17 14:20:51 JST 2018

V495 Cas: dwarf nova (resembling V503 Cyg?)

   range 15.2-(16.9

ASAS-SN data:

   The object showed long outbursts relatively
regularly in 2016-2017 (cycle length 56 d).
There were, however, short outbursts between them.
The object may be either extreme SS Cyg-type object
(with long outbursts) or an object like V503 Cyg.

   Detailed observations to search for superhumps
during long outbursts are desired.

024616.034 +621703.32 (2000.0) Gaia_DR2_465819512847142656 plx=1.162(0.110) dismod=9.7 pmra=-7.418(0.130) pmdec=-4.647(0.219) G=15.788 BP=16.071 RP=15.609

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