[vsnet-cvcirc 3981] VSNET CV Circular 2012.06 (up to Jun 02)

Ohshima ohshima at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sat Jun 2 23:04:49 JST 2012

  VSNET CV  Circular  2012.6   (JD 0d = 2456079)
                                           edited by T. Ohshima
                      Dwarf Novae

Z  Cam     (UGZ) 106(1) BRJ
AB Dra     (UGZ) 126(1) BRJ
AH Her     (UGZ) 126(1) BRJ
V844 Her   (=Var43 Her, UGSU) 135(9) KWe
RZ LMi     (UGSU(ER)) 145(1) PSD
TU Men     (UGSU) 123(1) HSP
V426 Oph   (UG+NLDQ:) 125(1) BRJ
ER UMa     (UGSU(ER)) 149(1) PSD

          Other Cataclysmic and Peculiar Objects

CH Cyg     (ZAND+E:) 70(1) PSD
P  Cyg     (SDOR) 48(1) 47(2) PKV,TSt
X  Ser     (NB) 147(1) PKV

Key to observers

BRJ J. Bortle
HSP Stephen Hovell
KWe Klaus Wenzel
PKV Kevin B. Paxson
PSD Stefano Padovan
TSt Timothy Steck

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