[vsnet-cvcirc 3995] VSNET CV Circular 2012.06 (up to Jun 10)

Ohshima ohshima at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sun Jun 10 00:26:20 JST 2012

  VSNET CV  Circular  2012.6   (JD 0d = 2456079)
                                           edited by T. Ohshima
                      Dwarf Novae

LL And     (UGSU) <179(6) PKV
PQ And     (UG) <170(6) PKV
V1101 Aql  (UGZ:) 147(2) 148(4) 146(8) 146(9) PSD
Z  Cam     (UGZ) 106(1) 114(8) BRJ
AM Cas     (UGSS) 124(8) BRJ
SY Cnc     (UGZ) 108(8) BRJ
SS Cyg     (UGSS) 113(1) 118(2) 119(4) 119(8) 120(9) HGG,PSD
EM Cyg     (UGZ) 134(2) 124(4) 130(8) 132(9) BRJ,PSD
AB Dra     (UGZ) 126(1) BRJ
EX Dra     (=HS1804+6753, UGSS+E) 132(8) BRJ
AH Her     (UGZ) 126(1) 129(8) BRJ
V844 Her   (=Var43 Her, UGSU) 135(9) KWe
RZ LMi     (UGSU(ER)) 145(1) 146(3) 147(4) 149(8) 150(9) PSD
TU Men     (UGSU) 123(1) HSP
V426 Oph   (UG+NLDQ:) 125(1) 121(8) BRJ
RU Peg     (UGSS) 128(9) PSD
CI UMa     (UGSU) 144(8) BRJ
ER UMa     (UGSU(ER)) 149(1) 136(3) 145(4) 155(7) 143(8) 154(9) BRJ,PSD
VW Vul     (UGZ) 157(2) 156(4) 154(9) PSD
FY Vul     (UGZ:) 148(2) 144(4) 147(8) 146(9) PSD

          Other Cataclysmic and Peculiar Objects

V854 Cen   (RCB) at minimum, 90(4) WPX
R  CrB     (RCB) at minimum, 125(7) KWe
T  CrB     (NR) at minimum, 103(7) KWe
AP CrB     (=RXJ1554.2+2721, CV) 174(3) Rod
CH Cyg     (ZAND+E:) 70(1) 70(2) 70(4) 70(8) 70(9) PSD
P  Cyg     (SDOR) 48(1) 47(2) 47(3) 47(4) 48(5) 48(6) 47(9) PKV,TSt
Q  Cyg     (NA) 149(1) 149(4) HGG
X  Ser     (NB) 147(1) 148(2) 148(3) 148(7) Mrl,PKV,Rod
CT Ser     (N) 168(3) Rod
LX Ser     (NLAD+E) 150(3) Rod
SDSSJ172102.48+273301.2 (NLAC) 161(5) DDe
SN2011fe   (SNIa) 164(5) LLA
SN2012aw   (SNIIP) 136(1)! LLA
SN2012cg   (SNIa) 118(3) 120(4) 120(5) 120(7) KWe,Nic,Rod

Key to observers

BRJ J. Bortle
DDe Denis Denisenko
HGG Gustav Holmberg
HSP Stephen Hovell
KWe Klaus Wenzel
LLA Jean Marie Llapasset
Mrl Eric Morillon
Nic J. Nicolas
PKV Kevin B. Paxson
PSD Stefano Padovan
Rod Diego Rodriguez
TSt Timothy Steck
WPX Peter F. Williams

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