[vsnet-ecl 1592] observations

Christopher Stephan stephanc at strato.net
Sun Aug 14 06:00:07 JST 2005

    Here's some observations. Unfortunately clouds keep interfering with 
my observing runs. I hope these are useful.

Chris Stephan, AAVSO
Robert Clyde Observatory
Coos Bay, Oregon    USA

August 9, 2005 UT

CG Cyg

0445ut	107
      55	108
0505	109
      15	109
      27	109
      37	109
      47	110
      57	111
0607	111
      18	112
      32	112
      42	111
      52	110
clouded out

CW Cas

0459	111
0510	111
      20	111
      30	111
      38	111
      48	112
0602	112
      10	112
      24	114
      34	116
      45	118
      54	119
clouded out

FZ Del

0542	93
      50	93
0600	93
      12	95
      22	95
      35	98
      44	101
      55	104
clouded out

Total estimates: 33

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