[vsnet-ecl 1598] observations

Christopher Stephan stephanc at strato.net
Sun Aug 14 06:14:56 JST 2005

Following are observations.

June 4, 2005UT


0457ut	103
0507	103
      20	103
      30	105
      40	106
      50	106
0600	107
      10	107
      20	108
      29	108
      41	109
      51	111
0703	110
      13	110
      25	109
      35	108
      47	106
      58	104
0810	104
      20	103
      30	103


0522	115
      32	115
      42	115
      52	116
0602	118
      13	119
      22	120
      33	120
      43	121
      53	121
0705	122
      15	123
      26	124
      39	124
      48	124
0802	123
      12	122
      22	121
      32	120
      42	119
      52	119
0903	117
      13	116
      24	115

TZ Boo (secondary)

0558	105
0608	105
      18	105
      28	105
      40	105
      50	105
0701	105
      12	105
      24	105
      35	105
      50	105
0805	105
      23	105
      44	105

The predictions seem to be off for TZ Boo.

Total estimates: 59

Chris Stephan, AAVSO
Robert Clyde Observatory
Coos Bay, Oregon   USA


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