[vsnet-ecl 2172] Fwd: Lichtenknecker-Database (LkDB) of the BAV, Rev. 2.0

K.Nagai pxs10547 at nifty.ne.jp
Sat Mar 18 16:01:03 JST 2006

From: Walterfrk at aol.com
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 10:52:18 EST
Subject: Lichtenknecker-Database (LkDB) of the BAV, Rev. 2.0

Dear friends and observers of eclipsing binaries,

the Lichtenknecker-Database (LkDB) of the BAV, Rev. 2.0 is  now available.

The Distribution of Rev. 1.0 startet in May 2004 (see  IBVS Announcement 6
August 2004). Since this time a lot of new minima were  detected by observers
all over the world. These results mostly published by  IBVS are now part of
LkDB. The new revision includes more than  130,000 times of minimum of 1,957

eclipsing binaries. The LkDB together with  documentation (English and German)
and a program for generation of  (O-C)-diagrams is distributed by CD. If you

are interested please send your  order and a fee of =E2=82=AC 20.-- (Europe)
 or US$25.-- (outside Europe) by  bank-note (no checks please) to

Bundesdeutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft f=C3=BCr Ver=C3=A4nderliche Sterne e.V. 
Munsterdamm 90,
D-12169 Berlin
eMail: _zentrale at bav-astro.de_ (mailto:zentrale at bav-astro.de)

Please inform other observers who might  be interested.

Kind regards
Frank Walter
(BAV / section of eclipsing binaries  and administration of the LkDB)

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