[vsnet-ecl 3197] Re: Lichtenknecker Database of the BAV: new version
available now
pxs10547 at nifty.ne.jp
Sun Jun 29 08:21:15 JST 2008
Please forward this message to all members of your organzation who might be
The BAV announces that Rev. 4.1 of the Lichtenknecker Database of the BAV
(LkDB) is available in the World Wide Web from June 30, 2008 on. The new
version contains more times of minimum TOM) for eclipsing binaries, some
improvements of the user interface, and some functional enhancements.
Database Update:
* The LkDB now contains 1987 eclipsing variable stars with more than
137,000 times of minimum (TOM).
* The most important source for new data is the _Information Bulletin
on Variable Stars (IBVS)_ (http://www.konkoly.hu/IBVS/issues.html) . Rev. 4.1
of the LkDB contains all data of IBVS up to No. 5802 as far as they concern
TOM for eclipsing binaries. It contains also the TOM published in _Variable
Star Bulletin (VSB)_ (http://vsolj.cetus-net.org/bulletin.html) by the
japanese organization VSOLJ. Entering of TOM published by AAVSO in _Observed
Minima Timings of Eclipsing Binaries_
(http://www.aavso.org/observing/programs/eclipser/ebmono.shtml) is still in
work and will be finished with the next
Version of the LkDB.
New functions and features:
* To show an (O-C)-diagram and data, the star name can now be chosen
out of a list of constellations and out of a list of stars belonging to the
constellation. Entering the star name directly is still possible.
* The scaling of diagram axes was improved.
* The choice of the linear elements from catalogues or the entering of
own elements has been improved. Default value are now the elements from the
GCVS, if available.
* The data belonging to a point in the diagram can be shown in a
separate information window when the cursor is positioned on the point .
* To check his own observations the user has the possibility to enter
his observed TOM and to generate an (O-C)-diagram including this data.
* The list of all observations building the (O-C)-diagram contains
hypertext-links to the source documents IBVS and BAVM (BAV Mitteilungen) which
are available in the world wide web.
Access to the LkDB is possible via menu 窶廰ichtenknecker Database of the
on the BAV webpage _www.bav-astro.de_ (http://www.bav-astro.de/) or
directly via _www.bav-astro.de/LkDB/index.php?lang=eng_
(http://www.bav-astro.de/LkDB/index.php?lang=eng) (english version) or
(http://www.bav-astro.de/LkDB/index.php) (german version). Please regard that
the URL name has changed (data type 窶徘hp窶・ instead of 窶徂tml窶・.
The BAV thanks their members Thorsten Lange and Wolfgang Grimm. They both
have done a lot of work and brought in many good ideas to realize the user
interface and the programs for the (O-C)-Generator.
I hope for many users of the LkDB and for their feedback.
Kind regards
Frank Walter
Bundesdeutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft fテシr Verテ、nderliche Sterne e.V. (BAV)
Section Eclipsing Binaries
Tel. ++49 89 9302738
_bav-bv at bav-astro.de_ (mailto:bav-bv at bav-astro.de)
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