[vsnet-ecl 5230] Fw: conference Kopal 2014

K.Nagai pxs10547 at nifty.ne.jp
Fri Jun 20 05:32:51 JST 2014

Hello all, This is Nagai from Japan.


----- Original Message -----
>From: "Miloslav Zejda" <zejda at physics.muni.cz>
>To: "Zejda, Miloslav" <mzejda at volny.cz>
>Subject: conference Kopal 2014
>Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 22:03:14 +0200
>------- We apologize if you receive duplicates of this message or if you are
>not interested in it  -------
>Dear colleague,
>we send you the second announcement of the conference Living Together:
>Planets, Host Stars and Binaries, which will be held in Litomy?l, Czech
>Republic, September 8-12, 2014. For detail see the attachment or the webpage
>We kindly ask you to forward the announcement to  anyone who might be
>interested.  Thank you!
>On behalf of LOC Miloslav Zejda
>Miloslav Zejda
>Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics Masaryk University 
>Kotlarska 2 CZ - 611 37 Brno Czech Republic
>phone: 420-549498600
>mobil: 420-721-377398
>e-mail:  <mailto:zejda at physics.muni.cz> zejda at physics.muni.cz,
><mailto:mzejda at volny.cz> mzejda at volny.cz
>www:  <http://www.physics.muni.cz/~zejda> http://www.physics.muni.cz/~zejda 

----- inline -----
------- We apologize if you receive duplicates of this message or if you are
not interested in it  -------



Dear colleague,


we send you the second announcement of the conference Living Together:
Planets, Host Stars and Binaries, which will be held in Litomy?l, Czech
Republic, September 8-12, 2014. For detail see the attachment or the webpage


We kindly ask you to forward the announcement to  anyone who might be
interested.  Thank you!


On behalf of LOC Miloslav Zejda




Miloslav Zejda

Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics Masaryk University 

Kotlarska 2 CZ - 611 37 Brno Czech Republic

phone: 420-549498600

mobil: 420-721-377398

e-mail:  <mailto:zejda at physics.muni.cz> zejda at physics.muni.cz,
<mailto:mzejda at volny.cz> mzejda at volny.cz

www:  <http://www.physics.muni.cz/~zejda> http://www.physics.muni.cz/~zejda 



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