[vsnet-ecl 5750] PF2016

Miloslav Zejda zejda at physics.muni.cz
Fri Jan 1 02:35:19 JST 2016

All the best, mainly health, happiness, success and well-being (as me in the
figure :-) )  in 2016!

Miloslav Zejda


PS: Sorry for spam if you received it twice 



Dr. Miloslav Zejda, Assoc. Prof.

Department of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics 

Masaryk University 

Kotlarska 2 CZ - 611 37 Brno Czech Republic

phone: 420-549498600

mobil: 420-721-377398

e-mail:  <mailto:zejda at physics.muni.cz> zejda at physics.muni.cz,
<mailto:mzejda at volny.cz> mzejda at volny.cz

www:  <http://www.physics.muni.cz/~zejda> http://www.physics.muni.cz/~zejda 



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