[vsnet-ecl 6947] Fw: New: Lichtenknecker Database Rev. 5.06

K.Nagai pxs10547 at nifty.ne.jp
Sun Feb 24 05:26:25 JST 2019

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----- Original Message -----
>From: "Frank Walter" <frank.walter.muenchen at gmx.de>
>Subject: New: Lichtenknecker Database Rev. 5.06
>Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2019 16:43:46 +0100
>A new Update of the Lichtenknecker Database (LkDB), Rev. 5.06 is available now on BAV's webpage.
>Rev. 5.06 does not include any functional enhancements but some more eclipsing binary stars and a lot of new minima.
>The Database now contains 2.251 eclipsing binaries with more than 189.000 Minima.
>The new stars are:
>V363 And, V392 And, V473 And, V512 And, V546 And
>XZ Ari, AG Ari, BM Ari, V610 Aur, V644 Aur
>EM Boo, EQ Boo, GG Boo, GU Boo, IX Boo, MQ Boo, MT Boo
>V337 Cam, LU Cnc, CX CMi,CI CVn, DL CVn, DQ CVn
>V341 Dra, CN Lyn, V2610 Oph, V1853 Ori, V407 Peg
>HL Psc, V505 Ser, WW Sex, WY Sex, AI Sex
>BC Tri, BU Tri, BV Tri, BX Tri, CL Tri, CU Tri
>V354 UMa, V495 Vul 
>The most important sources of this data are (as far as they concern eclipsing binaries) 
>?BAVM (BAV-Mitteilungen) up to no.247 (= IBVS 6244)
>?JAAVSO bis einschl. Nr. 45-2
>?VSB bis einschl. Nr. 63.
>Please inform members of your organisation which might be interestet and send me detected errors or your proposals for improvements.
>Kind regards
>Frank Walter
>Administrator of the LkDB

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