[vsnet-grb-info 10327] Swift/UVOT observations of GRB110223A
GCN Circulars
gcncirc at capella2.gsfc.nasa.gov
Fri Feb 25 08:12:34 JST 2011
NUMBER: 11769
SUBJECT: Swift/UVOT observations of GRB110223A
DATE: 11/02/24 23:12:30 GMT
FROM: Massimiliano de Pasquale at MSSL-UCL <mdp at mssl.ucl.ac.uk>
M. De Pasquale (MSSL-UCL) and T. Sakamoto (GSFC)
report on behalf of the Swift/UVOT team:
The Swift/UVOT began settled observations of the field of GRB 110223A
97 s after the BAT trigger (Sakamoto et al., GCN Circ. 11753).
No optical afterglow consistent with the XRT enhanced position
(Evans et al., GCN circ. 11759) is detected in the initial UVOT exposures
nor in the summed exposures.
Preliminary 3-sigma upper limits using the UVOT photometric system
(Poole et al. 2008, MNRAS, 383, 627) for the first finding chart (FC)
exposure and subsequent exposures are:
Filter T_start(s) T_end(s) Exp Magnitude
white (fc) 97 246 147 >20.81
white 97 5588 344 >21.16
v 639 5998 217 >19.40
b 565 5383 216 >20.00
u (fc) 310 559 196 >19.41
u 310 5177 443 >20.15
uw1 4773 6408 393 >20.13
um2 663 6203 412 >20.14
uw2 615 5794 216 >19.89
The above magnitudes are not corrected for the strong Galactic
extinction along the line of sight, corresponding to E(B-V) = 0.34
(Schlegel et al. 1998).
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