[vsnet-grb-info 10392] GRB 110328A / Swift J164449.3+573451: NOT optical observations.

GCN Circulars gcncirc at capella2.gsfc.nasa.gov
Tue Mar 29 15:55:45 JST 2011

NUMBER:  11830
SUBJECT: GRB 110328A / Swift J164449.3+573451: NOT optical observations.
DATE:    11/03/29 06:55:40 GMT
FROM:    Giorgos Leloudas at Dark Cosmology Centre  <giorgos at dark-cosmology.dk>

G. Leloudas, D. Malesani (DARK/NBI), N.R. Tanvir (U. Leicester), Dong  
Xu (WIS), A.J. Levan (U. Warwick), P. Jakobsson (U. Iceland), T.  
Pursimo (NOT), report on behalf of a larger collaboration.

We used the Nordic Optical Telescope (La Palma, Spain) equipped with  
ALFOSC to observe the field of GRB 110328A / Swift J164449.3+573451  
(Cummings et al., GCN 11823; Barthelmy et al., GCN 11824).  
Observations started at 01:47 UT (12.8 and 12.1 hr after the first and  
second trigger, respectively). We obtained 2x600 s in BVR and 4x300 s  
in z.

In all filters we detect an object at the coordinates (J2000):
RA: 16:44:50.0
DEC: +57:34:59.13
with an astrometric calibration error of approximately 0.3 arcsec.

This position is within the enhanced XRT error circle (Osborne et al.,  
GCN 11826) and is consistent with the coordinates of the object  
reported by Cenko et al. (GCN 11827) from pre-outburst images.

At the moment we have no good photometric calibration of the field so  
photometry should be considered preliminary (see also GCN 11827).  
Assuming R = R1 = 19.40 and B = B2 = 21.30 for  the USNO B1.0 star  
1475-0312998, we estimate for the counterpart B = 24.0 +- 0.2 and R =  
22.6 +- 0.05 (statistical errors only).

At this stage it is not possible to verify whether the source is  

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