[vsnet-grb-info 11460] GRB 120119A: MMT redshift confirmation

GCN Circulars gcncirc at capella2.gsfc.nasa.gov
Thu Jan 19 15:25:18 JST 2012

NUMBER:  12867
SUBJECT: GRB 120119A: MMT redshift confirmation
DATE:    12/01/19 06:24:14 GMT
FROM:    Edo Berger at Harvard  <eberger at cfa.harvard.edu>

D. Milisavljevic, M. Drout, and E. Berger (Harvard) report:

"We obtained an optical spectrum of GRB 120119A (GCN 12859) with the
Blue Channel spectrograph mounted on the MMT 6.5-m telescope.  In a
single 1800 sec exposure covering 3500-8500 Ang we find a wide range
of absorption features (from CII1335 to MgI2853) at a common redshift
of z=1.728, confirming the results of Cucchiara & Prochaska (GCN

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