[vsnet-grb-info 13108] GRB 130420A: Continued Skynet/GORT Observations/Detections

GCN Circulars gcncirc at capella2.gsfc.nasa.gov
Fri Apr 26 07:19:33 JST 2013

NUMBER:  14445
SUBJECT: GRB 130420A: Continued Skynet/GORT Observations/Detections
DATE:    13/04/25 22:19:25 GMT
FROM:    Adam S. Trotter at UNC-Chapel Hill/PROMPT/Skynet  <atrotter at physics.unc.edu>

A. Trotter, N. Frank, A. LaCluyze, D. Reichart, K. McLin, L. Cominsky, 
T. Berger, H. T. Cromartie, R. Egger, A. Foster, J. Haislip, K. Ivarsen, 
M. Maples, J. Moore, M. Nysewander, E. Speckhard, and J. A. Crain report:

Skynet continued observing the field of GRB 130420A (Page et al., GCN 
14406, Swift trigger #553977) with the 14" GLAST Optical Robotic 
Telescope (GORT) at the Hume Observatory in California. It took 214 80-s 
exposures in Ic at times t=20.48-23.30h and t=26.25-28.56h after burst 
trigger, and 96 80-s exposures in Rc at t=23.33-26.15h. We performed 
photometry on the stacked exposures in each band, calibrated to six SDSS 
stars in the field. We detect the afterglow in both Ic and Rc bands at 

band   exp length   mean time since trig   mag(Vega)
Ic     4.76h        24.37h                 21.04 (+0.43,-0.31)
Rc     2.47h        24.77h                 21.00 (+0.25,-0.21)

As we note in Trotter et al. (GCN 14427), and as Elenin et al. (GCN 
14428) confirm, the afterglow exhibits a rising light curve at early 
times, peaking at t=330s (peak Rc~16, Ic~15.5). After the peak, the 
light curve fades with a power law index alpha~-0.9.

A preliminary light curve of the first and second nights' data is at: 

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