[vsnet-grb-info 13167] GRB 130418A: Bassano Bresciano Observatory lightcurve analisis

GCN Circulars gcncirc at capella2.gsfc.nasa.gov
Tue Apr 30 02:30:43 JST 2013

NUMBER:  14504
SUBJECT: GRB 130418A: Bassano Bresciano Observatory lightcurve analisis
DATE:    13/04/29 17:30:35 GMT
FROM:    Ulisse Quadri at Bassano Bresciano Obs  <oabb at ulisse.bs.it>

U.Quadri, L.Strabla, R.Girelli and A.Quadri 

Photometric optical measurements of GRB 130418A detected by SWIFT trigger 553847 
(de Pasquale et al. 2013; GCN Circ. 14377) have been done using the Schmidt 
telescope 0.32m F/3.1 and Starlight CCD camera HX-516 applied at direct focus. 
120 sec. exposure time and 2x2 binning were used for all photos. 
All exposure were unfiltered. 
Flat field and dark have been captured and all images were corrected with them. 
Astrometrica software version was used to perform differential photometry on 
the reduced images. 

began of period: 2013/04/18.80415 -  17 min after  the burst.
end   of period: 2013/04/18.92338 - 188 min after  the burst.

The photometric results as follow:

Date UTC             Mag.   1 sigma.
2013 04 18.80485    15.68    0.08
2013 04 18.80846    16.12    0.13
2013 04 18.82000    16.44    0.10
2013 04 18.90014    17.64    0.08
2013 04 18.85910    17.21    0.13
2013 04 18.87354    17.39    0.12
2013 04 18.88799    17.53    0.09
2013 04 18.90968    17.74    0.09


Magnitudes were estimated with the USNO-B1 cat. 
and are not corrected for galactic dust extinction.

Images and analisis are available at the following address:


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